Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 1 DP - A New Beginning

Here we go again!  I have officially turned into a fat bastard again over the winter and am ashamed to admit that my scale hit the 204 pound mark today!  That's right - time to go into Survivor mode.

For anyone who is new to reading this blog, here's a quick link to The Beginning from last year.  It will give you a pretty good background understanding about what the Survivor Diet Challenge is, and what is involved.
I am VERY excited to have at least one, maybe two, maybe three other challengers this year.  I will be very curious to see how resourceful they become and I hope to learn a thing or two from their efforts.  I commend you for taking on the challenge!

Another thing that I am excited about this year (I think) is the addition of my Survivor Diet Challenge - Radio Show.  I'm not really sure what to expect from this but maybe it will spread the information to a new set of followers.  Who knows.  I'm going to give it a try.  If you're interested, I've scheduled an intro show this Wednesday at 12 noon and then the regular weekly show will be on Sundays at 12 noon.  The shows are scheduled for 30 minutes and apparently if you miss it there will be a way to listen to past broadcasts.  It's all new to me so I figure that I will give it a try to see if it becomes popular.  There's also a feature where people will be able to call in while on air or type messages in a chat window.  For more information about the radio thingy - there should be a link in the right hand column - take a look - let me know what you think.

I have made a couple of minor changes to the Official Guidelines and to the weekly rewards.  Perhaps if I get several players involved, we could start to have 'reward challenges' every so often.  I have also done a little pre-SDC prep work in the way of planting some seeds in the compost garden in my yard.  I've been told, however, that I started planting WAY too soon and about 2 days after I planted, it snowed on my garden.  It will be a mystery if anything pops up.

As far as Day 1, I have a trout and water and a gallon each of beans and brown rice.  I've been rationing this trout all day and I have the start of a headache.  I plan to get a bucket of ocean water to make some salt as soon as I can get out there - which may be Wednesday.  I'm feeling like it's going to be VERY difficult this year.  Wish me (us) luck!

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

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